August 8


Today is a day of mixed emotions for me, so excuse me while I try to hold myself together.

Today is one year since my graceful Gramma passed.

I cannot count the times in the last year when I wanted to pick up the phone and call her... when I needed her advice and honesty.  The times I struggled with a decision, or problem and thought "I should ask Gramma"... Or been happy about something, and wanted to share with her.  We all miss her so much.

Gramma, thank you for you for being my person when we both needed it.  

I love you to the moon and back, and I'll see you again.

your sunshine,
Katie J

**i am a lucky girl to have a photo of my mom, and Gramma and myself - three generations


But today is also a day to celebrate.... My Grandpa turns 80 years old today.  He is tough as nails, and could probably break your hand with his handshake (a true judgement of character - the firmness, not the breaking part).  He farms, golfs, curls and plays ball.  You will never see him in a pair of shorts, except for that one time I heard his kids pinned him down and made his jeans into cutoffs.  You better watch out for his pocket full of pens and other sharp/hard things before he hugs you.  He lets his food touch/overlap on his plate because "it all goes to the same place anyways"... and he has bad luck operating a post pounder ;)

He is tough, but I can see how much he loves his family, and how proud he is of all of us.  The look on his face when he looks at his daughters and says "these are my girls", when he gives me a big hug, squeezes me and says "mmmm I love you", and the way he looks at my Nana.

Happy Birthday Grandpa! I wish I was there to celebrate with you!  Here is to a happy and safe year, and many more healthy full years ahead.

Love you!
Katlyn Jane


**sorry for the poor iPhone/late night quality of this photo, but I am happy we have this one <3


Bobbee & Ryan | Engaged


Aaron & Duane | Married