Give Thanks

It seems to be a running tradition in my family that everyone writes down on Thanksgiving themed cards, what we are thankful for.  This year was no exception.2013/2014 was a tough one for our family.  At times, I will admit, it was hard to "be thankful".   But when my Gramma passed away, I felt more thankful.   Thankful for her good days, the moments we had together and together as a family, the things she taught me, and thankful that was was no longer suffering, and she was in a better place.After our delicious supper last night, shared with 14 very special people in my life... my Auntie Pam handed out cards with a picture of a little turkey, and our names.  After handing in our "thanks", she read ones we had written, dating back to 1999.  It was neat to hear what we were thankful for when my cousins and I were between 6 and 10 years old.  Family, friends, food, hockey, school, "knowage" ((I think Josh meant to say "knowledge" but that one is a toughie for a 7 year old)), health, Gramma.For 2014, here is what I am thankful for:I am thankful for the moments with my family, and those that are so special to me.  I am thankful for laughter, and tears and the little moments.  I am thankful for my faith, and love, and falling in love again.  I am thankful for the support I have in my life, and the independence I have achieved.  I am thankful for those here, and the angels we have.Happy Thanksgiving to my family, friends and those who stumble upon my blog.  I hope you have a lifetime, not just a Thanksgiving Day, filled with family, friends, love, joy, and graciousness.xoxo,KGive Thanks  |  Katlyn Jane Photography  |  Edmonton Alberta Photographer


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