The Perfect Timeline For Your Bachelor Party

Congratulations! You're engaged! You've probably signed up on a wedding planning website, bought or put together a planning binder, and googled "where to start wedding planning".  That is a WHOLE lot of planning! Well, we are here with some advice and tips about the Perfect Timeline for your Bachelor Party to help with this new, exciting, and at times, the overwhelming chapter of your life.

One of the most important organizing tasks of the bachelor party is how you structure your day.

Before you start planning the timeline, have your preplanning set. If you can, keep it broken up in 4-5 parts. Do too many things and you spend most of your time herding people. Do too little and the boys can get unorganized and stick to their own thing. Here is how to successfully piece together a bachelor party timeline. 

Morning/Early Afternoon


 Start off the day with a hearty breakfast, give the chef of the group the reigns to get the boys their morning fuel. Plan for morning/early afternoon such as golf, paintball, go-carting or relive your childhood with games like Human Whack-A-Mole or even bouncy house just to get into a fun mode. Don't start the activities too early. 


Keep it fun and loose. If you want to up the stakes, create some sort of competition where losers buy the first round of drinks. Remember it’s a long day – party management is in order. 



Once you hit early afternoon, downtime/relaxing is needed. This is where you may want to play cards, hang out by the pool, day drink on an patio, or grab something light to eat. After your earlier activity, the guys need chill and reminisce about the good old days. Everyone has that one person in the group that loves to bring up old stories. His version is probably a lot different than the truth but that's alright, alright, alright. Good times! 



By now you'll be fired up (pun intended) for the best meal of your trip. Pick a restaurant that preferably will be laid back, especially if you plan to do a theme. The stuffy, fancy places - maybe not. You know those restaurants where you need a menu to explain the menu. Skip it. Go somewhere close to where you plan on going afterward to your nightly activity. At this point, make sure to mix in few waters. 

Early Evening


So many choices with how to spend prime time. The options are endless - a sporting event, pub crawl, casino, etc. Get ideas from the group, do your research online. In my experience, it works out best if go where you can interact with other people, especially bachelorette parties. If your choices are limited, book as far in advance as you can. 

Late Night


It's barstar time. Try to find a place that’s a good fit with your group and call ahead to see about reserving a table. Sometimes they’ll throw in a couple of perks. Pick a bar that’s close to other lively places. If the guys aren’t feeling the vibe, then there are other options. Some will retire early, some may want to switch it up. Remember – don’t leave anyone behind!

Depending on the group, know what type of setting they’d prefer (i.e. clubs or no clubs). A good go-between is larger pubs that have some kind of entertainment. It’s always fun to mingle with bachelorette parties, which tend to frequent sports pubs. It kind of makes sense because that’s where dudes hang out! 

Example timelines:


8:00 AM – 9:00 AM – Breakfast
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM – Activity – Golf, Paintball, Go-Carting
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM – Downtime – Pool, Card games, or day drinking outdoor patio
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM – Out for dinner
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM – Casino, Sporting event, Gentlemen’s club
10:30 PM– 2:00 AM – Bar/Pub/Club

If you are able to have two full days, keep part of the days as free time to do whatever.

Although it was slightly different, here was our timeline for one of our days in Arizona:
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Wake up to a marathon of the show The Office, make a big breakfast
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Swimming in the pool (it was 44 Celsius!), set up a mini putt challenge (outdoor mini putt in the backyard), card games. There was a mall nearby so some guys decided to check that out.
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Get ready, dress groom up in stupid clothes (obviously)
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM – Head out to go for dinner by nearby baseball stadium (3 Ubers for the 11 of us) then walk to the game
6:30 PM – 10:00 PM – Baseball game
10:30 PM – 2:00 AM – Bar Hopping Scottsdale 

Cheers! Hope this helps boys!

Interested in more advice and tips? Click here. Contact us if you want us to write more on something specific, if you have questions, or are interested in working with us.


Sydney & Noah | Mountain Engagement Session


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