Katlyn Jane Photography

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Last month I landed a new job within the Edmonton Police Service.... no, I am not an officer, but I am excited for this new adventure none-the-less.My parents said a few words to me, that could not mean more to me..."I am so proud of you."There are a few things that I have done in life that I thought, 'there is no way someone could ever be proud of me.'  Top on that list, my failed marriage.  Moving away from home, moving further away from home, moving away from the small town my ex-husband took me to, to a city a little closer to home, but still not home.My heart swelled at those words spoken... 'I am so proud of you.'  With that encouragement and validation from them, it makes me feel proud of the decisions I have made, and my accomplishments.I love you Mom & Dad. Thank you for everything you have done for me, taught me, and given me, and continue to.Pride  |  Katlyn Jane Photography  |  Edmonton Photographer