Katlyn Jane Photography

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Rest In Peace, my angel

My gramma is one of the most important people in my life, but now I have to say my gramma is one of the most important angels....  Now she is an angel in heaven looking down.  It was eleven months after diagnosis that she lost her battle with that bitch, cancer.  Pardon my french of course.  And she truly is in a better place.Rest in Peace Gramma My gramma and I had a special bond.  We were partners in crime.  ((well not literally))We had sleepovers, and dates to the Lethbridge Lodge for supper... always to split a Monte Cristo and fries.She helped teach me to read... with the big book of pictures and words that is probably still in the hall closet.I ran to her to tell on my mom... yes my mom ;)I stole her cigarettes, only to break them so that she wouldn't smoke anymore.We cruised 'the strip' with the top down in the convertible, and checked out the guys.We celebrated birthday parties, Christmases, Easters, long weekends, Sunday dinners, and all the things in between.When I was about 8 I said I wanted to wear her shoes, drive her car, and work with her at the jewelry store.  Well.... I only fit into her shoes for a short while, before my feet were not longer a size 6.5.  And I did actually get to drive her car.... that beautiful 1993 Chrysler LeBaron ragtop was perfect. I still get the odd text message when people see the new owner driving it.  And I helped out at the store when mom and dad would take us to visit.When I came home after I visited Spain when I was sixteen, I talked about the drink calimocho (red wine and Coca Cola), and it was sipped together at the farm all summer.When I moved out, I talked to her about everything.  She gave me the pep talk, and some lecturing too.  I could always talk to her about boys, and things going on in my life.She was so full of grace, right until her last day.  I hope to be so much like my gramma... her grace, and selflessness.As I am going through my divorce, she is one of the only people in my circle of family and friends that have experienced a divorce.  We could talk about stresses, and the joys of when we found ourselves.  We talked about loneliness, and love.I feel like I have not only lost my gramma, but a best friend too.I am eternally grateful for my family who have always taken such good care of her.  She was the queen, and we all knew it.   My mom and aunts were always at the hospital making sure she was taken care of.  Manicure? Check! Toes painted? Check! Hair done? You betcha! Lawn mowed? One of the boys did that... :)So if you are a member of my family reading this post... Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for her, and everyone else.Thank you to those who have said and sent the kind words our way it is greatly appreciated.Gramma, I will miss you.  I love you.Katie J