Katlyn Jane Photography

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Sometimes you just need a fresh start...

I have never really been one for mixing my personal life a whole lot into my business life, but maybe I should be less afraid to combine it. My photography is my life, my business is my name and I pour my whole heart into what I do.March of last year I made a difficult decision, and I started my life over. I know... I know... you are probably thinking "You are young, it is hardly called 'starting over.'"  I chose to live a happier, and in turn, healthier life... and in order to do so I turned my life upside down.  I moved out of the house that I had turned into a home and lived in for three years, and traded it in for a  small bedroom in an apartment until I could make my move out of the small town.  I stayed there for a few months until I found an apartment in Edmonton.I left the town of Whitecourt for my fresh start in the city.  I called that little town home for three years, I made friends and a life there, I started my business there... but it was time.In the time since I have moved out of my house, and left my relationship... my business flourished, because I did.  Because I was the "me" I had been missing.  I was more patient, more free and less stressed.  I learned to love my camera again... even though, at times, I was so busy I wanted to forget I had it and just wanted to focus on my current projects at hand.  Edmonton was a smart move for me.  I have been here since August and I truly believe things have fallen into place.  I now have an even more fabulous apartment right downtown with a great roommate.  I have made good, genuine friends and get to experience what this great city has to offer.    I am at peace with my decision, and I have become the Katlyn that I lost years ago.  Not that it hasn't come with its challenges.It hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows... In September, life threw a bit of a curve ball.  My family, whom are very close, received news that my Grandma had stage four pancreatic and liver cancer.  Cancer?! I suppose my family has been blessed that this is our first experience we have had with it.  Personally, I have had scares that were investigated by doctors, but this was the real thing... no false alarms this time.  The doctors said she had six to twelve months, once I heard this, I felt like I was losing one of the most important parts of my life.  I ended up taking a week away from my extremely busy photography schedule, and off of work to spend time with my Grandma and the women in my family.  I felt, momentarily,  that everything was going to be okay.  This illness made me reconsider where I am living, but I know my Grandma would tell me what for if I picked up and moved my life (again) and left the city I was meant to be in for a while.  I've learned that life doesn't stop when something tragic happens...  You have to get up in the morning, go to work, and carry on with your responsibilities.I would love to be sitting at my Grandma's house right now, visiting with the amazing woman I have been blessed with.  But it will have to wait a couple more weeks until I get two whole days off of work to make the trip home.  It is times like these that I hate living five hours away from my family, but that is my life right now.My move to Edmonton was the one I needed...The big lesson I learned.... Be brave, be strong and fight for yourself.bebravefightforyourself decisions